Don Featherstone and Kevin Coates Live at Descendants

20 Year Anniversary of Kevin Coates and Don FeatherstoneMusicians Kevin Coates and Don Featherstone have each been performing live for over three decades, but for the first ten of those years, they never even knew each other. It wasn’t until Don auditioned as the new sax player for Kevin’s 7-piece R & B band The Groove Doctors that they met. Don got the job and they performed together in that band for the next three years. At the same time, Kevin and Don branched out and performed together in various 3, 4- and 5-piece configurations, but they soon discovered how much they loved playing as a duo together. With Kevin on keyboards and guitar, and Don on saxophone and bass, this dynamic duo has performed consistently for the past 20 years throughout Southern Ontario. The 20 Year Anniversary as musical partners will take place on October 18 (7:30 – 11:30 p.m.) at one of their favourite performing venues, Descendants. Joining them for this special event is longtime friend and drummer for both musicians Paul Rose, as well as some special guests. Kevin and Don take as much pride in their musical longevity as they do in the fact that as a duo, they have never once rehearsed. Come out and celebrate this 20-year musical collaboration and wish Kevin Coates and Don Featherstone well.

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Date(s) - 18/10/2019
7:30 pm - 11:30 pm

Descendants Beer and Beverage



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