When hosting a party, inform your neighbours and co-residents about it ahead of time

Got a neighbour who loves to rock around the clock, at maximum volume?
With warmer weather comes open windows…and complaints to police about loud parties.
“Everybody has a right to live an environment that is free from excessive and unnecessary noise or vibrations that may prevent them from being able to sleep, to relax or to enjoy their home in peace, ” says a North Bay police news release.
North Bay residents are encouraged to be familiar with the City of North Bay Noise Bylaw.
Common noise complaints include:
- Operating loud electronic equipment, including stereos or loud speakers ;
- Squealing tires, combustion engines without an effective exhaust muffling device;
- Persistent yelling, shouting, hooting, whistling or singing; and
- Persistent dog barking.
It’s often a tough call for the cops, but there are fines for noise offences
If found guilty expect:
- upon a first conviction, to a minimum fine of $200 and a maximum fine of $5,000; and
- upon any subsequent conviction, to a minimum fine of $400 and a maximum fine of $10,000.
Tips to avoid noise complaints:
When hosting a party, inform your neighbours and co-residents about it ahead of time.
Provide them with a name and phone number to call if they have any concerns. When playing music in your home, do so at a reasonable level, and close your windows to avoid noise complaints. Under the City’s noise by-law, you can be fined day or night.
If a party gets out of your control and people you don’t know start to show up, call the North Bay Police Service at 705-472-1234.
For emergencies, when people or property are at risk, call 9-1-1.
So put on your headphones and enjoy a Iittle Kiss, I WANNA ROCK AND ROLL ALL NIGHT.